
Our Services

Big8 Service Cover
Advertising & Marketing

Advertising & Marketing

Design & Branding

Design & Branding

Campaign & Digital Marketing

Campaign & Digital Marketing

Brand Communication

Brand Communication

PR & Event

PR & Event

Website / Mobile app development

Website / Mobile app development

Advertising &

As technology continues to grow day by day, building brand awareness requires being innovative and distinct in both content and message in order to attract potential audiences and reach proper targets in effective ways.

big8 marketing services

Design &

Design is the key to identifying your brand. Consistency and identifiable logos, fonts, and colors help you differentiate your brand. Strong brand identity supports your marketing and builds trust with your customers.

Big8 branding design

Campaign &
Digital Marketing

Businesses have moved their campaign to the online world. Where digital marketing builds awareness, increases sales, and creates customers loyalty in ways traditional marketing couldn’t. Your potential customers are online now. Why wouldn’t you?

Big8 digital marketing


Brand communication is the value, the voice, and the representative of the brand. Each brand has to create relevant conversation or communicate their value with customers to build connection and trust through branding, advertising, design, technology and enthusiastic customers and employees.

Big8 brand communication

Website & App

We develop software that solves business challenges, big brands, and brave hearts with awesome ideas.


Public relation &

Brand requires strategic communication through public relations and events. Which both connects and builds mutually beneficial relationships between brand and customers including internal relationship, media, and community.

Big8 pr


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We’re always keen to hear from forward-thinking, positive people looking to make their next career move. Whether you’re technical, creative, or an incredible project manager, we’re always happy to hear from you.